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Character Education

Character education is one of the many things that bring the students and staff together as a family. We teach the students to treat each other with respect and fairness. We also show our oneness as a "family" through our Rise and Shine morning assembly. During the Rise and Shine, we recite the school creed and sing the school song. Building character and a strong community will help the world become a better place.

Student Creed

I am a bright child.
I am unique and special.
There’s no one I’d rather be than me.
Today, I have the courage to be the best that I can be.
I am responsible for my own actions.
I have a brain.
I can learn.
I WILL succeed.

Educator Creed

I believe every student is a life-long learner.
I will create a learning environment with high expectations for my students and myself.
I will model desired behavior of responsibility, respect and cooperation.
I will recognize every student with a kind smile, kind word, and kind touch when entering the doors at Cooper Elementary.
I cherish every student.
I am a teacher.
I change the world one student at a time.

Cooper Song

There’s a place where we go every single day,
Where we laugh and learn and play.
Lots of fun, everyone works together as we strive to make our way.
Mathematics, Language, History, Science, Art, PE, ESL.
Cooper staff, lots of friends help our dreams come true.
Cooper, we love you!